Saturday, October 30, 2010

Know Your Life's Vision

...called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Nobody can give you a vision for your life, but here's how to find yours.1) Look within you. What moves you? What are you excited about? Paul said, '...I am compelled to preach...' (1 Corinthians 9:16 NIV). 2) Look behind you. What has life taught you? Experience provides us with the wisdom needed to fulfil our destiny. What does your past tell you about your future? 3) Look around you. God never calls us alone. Moses needed 70 elders. Jesus picked 12 disciples. Paul spoke of those who worked with him. Fulfilling your destiny requires having the right people in your life. 4) Look ahead of you. Helen Keller said, 'The only thing that's worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision.' What do you see through the eye of faith? St Augustine said, 'Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of faith is to see what we believe.' 5) Look beside you. What resources are available to you, for example, books, CDs, conferences and mentors? If your vision is not bigger than you, it's not of God. And the greater it is, the more resources it will require. 6) Look above you. Jeremiah writes, '...They speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the Lord' (Jeremiah 23:16 NKJV). We are 'called according to His purpose', not according to the need, or the fact that the door is open, or that our talent will be appreciated and well rewarded. Your vision must fulfil your God-ordained destiny, nothing else. So, do you need to recognise your vision, resurrect your vision, or refocus on your vision?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Get Alone And Pray

In the message "The Courts of God" we saw how the presence of God is to be cherished above all else. We considered that not even a thousand days in an earthly paradise can compare to a single day in the presence of God. And yet, though we may understand the value of His presence, we seldom make the decisions or exercise the discipline required to enter.
Luke 5:15-16
"The news about Him spread all the more, so the crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."
Jesus had a relationship with the Father which can only be described as absolute perfection; "If you really knew Me, you would know My Father as well. Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:7,9). We long for and desperately seek the presence of God, but Jesus Christ IS the very presence of God: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us" (John 1:1,14).
And though He had perfect union with the Father, created the entire Universe, and demonstrated complete control over the elements of nature as He "rebuked the wind and the raging waters" (Luke 8:24), Jesus still made time to be alone with the Father in prayer. Why?Prior to the important decision of choosing His twelve apostles, Jesus "went out to a mountainside and spent the night praying" (Luke 6:12). On the night before He was crucified, Jesus was in such anguish that He prayed until "His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground" (Luke 22:44). Jesus, through His life and death, taught us how we ought to relate to God...and it's a lesson we must not ignore!
If Jesus, who is Perfection, demonstrated such need of prayer, how much more necessary is it for us who contain so many flaws and so easily drift away from God. We cannot wave our hand to calm the storm, but we CAN pray for patience and the strength to endure, and relentlessly ask for His help. We are to live in such constant communion with God that we "pray continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17), even as we drive in busy traffic, manage multiple assignments, or care for noisy children.
But each of us must also set aside time, which is "often" and regular, where we can withdraw to a quiet place. Yes, the presence of God can be found in the midst of our busyness, but we all need times of quiet where we can be refreshed and receive direction - times when we can simply lift our hearts to God and say "Thank You!" Let's develop and maintain the discipline of entering the courts of His presence. Let's regularly set aside times of quiet to get alone and pray.

Rise Above Worry

God... is the... controller of all things. 1 Timothy 6:15

We all worry from time to time, but wise people have learned to avoid over-anxiety by following these guidelines. 1) Define the situation clearly. What exactly is it you're worrying about? Be specific. Often when we take time to clarify the problem, a way to solve it will present itself. 2) Face the worst that can happen. Would you lose your job? Your relationship? Your investment? In most cases even if the worst did happen, chances are it wouldn't ruin you. It may be inconvenient or painful, but does it really warrant all the anxiety you're giving it? 3) Resolve to accept the outcome, whatever it is. Most of the stress of worry comes from denial, from not being willing to face the worst that could happen. Once you make up your mind to accept whatever happens, you'll find worry loses its power over you. 4) Work to improve the situation. Renowned neurologist James H Austin said, 'Chance favours those in motion.' Do all you can to ensure the best possible outcome, and '...after you have done everything... stand' (Ephesians 6:13 NIV). Stand on God's promises! 5) Give the problem to God. He's 'the... controller of all things'. The Psalmist said, 'Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you' (Psalm 9:10 NIV). Remember, nothing can happen to you today, or any other day, that God is not aware of, in control of, and able to bring you through.